The high specification materials that SHAWWINOX LTD  supplies to clients around the world are subject to rigorous testing to ensure that they can perform in high-stress environments.

Corrosion, heat and pressure are all factors that our products can be exposed to and consequently have to endure. The core material of these products – i.e., the metal – have to be resilient and our clients have to be confident in their ability before they are put in situ.

The only way to do this is through testing. Testing ensures that there are no flaws in the products and materials we supply, whether that’s round bar, forged fittings or seamless pipe and our clients have the peace of mind that they will perform in the way that they are required to.

Speak to your account manager at Special Piping Materials today to find out what testing we can arrange in accordance to internationally recognised standards and, what’s more, how we can project manage the procedures for you.

Testing can be categorised in two ways – destructive testing and non-destructive testing.


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