Nuclear Industry

1.Nuclear Fuel Industry.
U235 that can generate fission reaction in the natural uranium minerals has ratio of only 0.7%, it can only be used for the reactor after various machining process to make it to the product with the concentration up to 2%-4%U235, after operation of the reactor, unburned U235 in spent  fuel and the new produced Pu239 will require recycling technique process to reclaim them. A complete system of nuclear fuel industry includes uranium mineral mining-hydrometallurgy-concentration-reactor- chemical treatment, etc. in the whole recycling process of nuclear fuel, stainless steel and corrosion resistant alloy material are widely used, without proper stainless steel material, there will not be modern nuclear fuel industry.

(1)Hydrometallurgy of Uranium
Uranium minerals should undergo working procedures including acid pickling/ alkali pickling-solvent lixiviating-solvent extracting-denitration, to form U3O8 in the end. The application of stainless steel in the above technique process is shown in the following table. For the reason of alkali lixiviating, corrodibility is comparatively weak, using the common steel can be acceptable, but at the liquid-gas interface position, the baffle plate should use  TP316L as the material, it can prevent the corrosive pitting caused by splashing of sulfide. When using nitric acid for lixiviating, the material should be 18-8 Type Austenite stainless steel with intercrystalline corrosion resistance. When using sulfoacid for lixiviating, material should be Cr-Ni Austenite stainless steel containing molybdenum or molybdenum-copper compound, under the corrosive conditions; it is required to use the deposit strengthening Austenite stainless steel.

Application conditions of stainless steel in the uranium Hydrometallurgy factory

Lixiviating slot for Alkali lixiviating techniqueCarbon steel


Stainless steel used for the liquid-gas interface of the lixiviating slot
HNO3 lixiviating,90-100℃
UO2(NO3)2Evaporator 120-145℃
 TP347, TP321
Lixiviating slot and pipe lines
H2SO4lixiviating TP316
Extraction tank, pipe lines
Acid adding pipe of the lixiviating tower00Cr26Ni35MoCuTiAcid adding pipe, flange fastener
Air blowing pipe, plasm drainage pipe, overflow pipe
Denitration kettle with organic solvent extraction0Cr19Ni0
Denitration kettle
Denitration kettle

(2)Refining of Uranium

Replacing U3O8 produced by hydrometallurgy with UF4, and change UF4 to UF6,there are the wet method and dry method technique in the actual production.
The technique process for producing UF4 with dry method, equipment material shall bear the corrosion by nitric acid, nitric acid steam, UO2(NO3)2, , material shall vary according the working procedures, details see the table below:

Material of technique equipments for refining uranium

Procedure nameEquipmentMaterial
U3O8Nitric acid solvingSolving capsule, pipes TP347
UO2(NO3)2ExtractionReaction extracting barrel and pipe pump TP304L
Vaporizing and dryingVaporizing tank
DenitrationDenitration tank
 TP304L、 TP347
0Cr23Ni13、 TP316
 TP316L、ILLium R,HastelloyC
Hydrogen fluorideReactor
Inconel 600,Monel No.1 alloy,
Pure Ni No.1,HastelloyC

(3)Concentrating Uranium.

In using the gaseous diffusion to separate U235,the isolating cover of the compressor should use 0Cr35Ni65Al. The high speed rotating cylinder for centrifugal separation uses the Martensite aged steel.

(4)Retreatment of nuclear fuel.
Giving chemical treatment to spent fuel of the reactor and the radiant nuclear fuel of the production reactor, and separating U and Pu, the chemical treating process to the dangerous nuclear fission product is called nuclear fuel retreatment, or after treatment.

For nuclear fuel retreatment, presently mature technique is water method, the reclaiming process is constructed of three parts including the unshell of fuel components, fuel solving and the separating/ reclaiming of fuel. Material problem of the last part can refer to section of “Refining of Uranium”. For the two part at the front, the technique medium has strong corrodibility, so the equipments, pipes, pumps, valves of the nuclear fuel after treatment factory are all made of stainless steel and corrosion resistant alloy. The material will differ according to the technique medium condition, shown in the following table:

Corrosion resistant material in the unshell technique of nuclear fuel retreatment

Technique NameMedium componentsMaterial
NifleX Solving the jacket
NifleX Solving the jacket
Solving the UO2-graphite granular fuel
3MHF-23MHNO3, boiling
0Cr35Ni65 Alloy
TP347,0Cr23Ni13Nb, TP304L
Zirlfex technique for solving zirconium-tin alloy jacket and the zirconium-base fuel6MNH4F-1MNH4NO3
Sulfex Solving stainless steel jacket4-6MH2SO4Ni-O-Nel825
HAPO-20,Carpenter20 Alloy
Durex Solving stainless steel jacket5MHNO3-2MHCLTi

Dissolving of fuel core
 Normally solution similar or close to the unshell is used for dissolving. In dissolving the metal uranium, uranium oxide, and uranium-aluminum fuel, nitric acid is widely used, material of solving capsule commonly use 0Cr23Ni13Nb,TP304L and Carpenter20 alloy.

Treating equipment for high radioactive waste liquid The high radioactive waste liquid is the compound medium containing various waste gas and various high radioactive liquids, it is highly corrosive, and often contains HNO3, sulfate radical, iron ions, in treating this kind of waste liquid, leakage must be strictly prevented, in case the environment is polluted, material of the equipments should be 0 TP304 and 0 TP310SNb, the latter has excellent corrosion resistance, and operating all post- treatment factories use it as structure material of reactor (vaporizing and concentrating).

2.Nuclear power Industry.
(1)light-water reactor (LWR)
The reactor used to provide power for generating electricity, it is commonly cooled by water, and is generally called light-water reactor (LWR). Light-water reactor can be divided to as pressurized water reactor(PWR) and boiling-water reactor, PWR is the mainstream type.

The following table shows stainless steel application conditions for pressurized water reactor (PWR) nuclear power plant:

Conditions of stainless steel of pressurized water reactor (PWR)

Reactor component
Main cooling pipe
Control rod driving machine
Water press device
Auxiliary heat exchanger
 TP316L, TP321 Nitrogen control  TP304LN
 TP321, TP316 Nitrogen control 00Cr17Ni12
00Cr13Ni5Mo,0Cr17Ni4Cu3Nb Nitrogen control 304、1Cr13
Steam generator TP321,Inconel600

(2)Sodium Cooling Reactor

The fuel jacket material is improved 316 stainless steel that contains Ti. 00Cr18Ni12Mo2 is used in the sodium capsule and thermal loop . According to the difference of temperature, the evaporator and super heater unit can use 2 1/4 Cr-1Mo,  TP321,  TP316L, TP304, Incology800, etc.


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